Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Test

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Our Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Test services see a team of cyber security experts test the various components of your corporate IT infrastructure, in order to identify vulnerabilities that could compromise your business, and identify corrective actions.

Cyber attacks are therefore simulated by ethical hackers so that we can evaluate the effectiveness of your systems and business processes and the reactivity of your staff.

The final aim is to evaluate your company IT security needs, and identify the best resources to protect you from cyber attacks.


A Vulnerability Assessment gives you a snapshot of the exposure of your internal and external IT systems to known vulnerabilities and verifies risks and impacts in the event that the protections you have put in place were to be bypassed. The assessment is carried out on local infrastructure, on services provided on the internal network, and on the external perimeter, including all devices, applications and services exposed to the Internet.

Features of the offer
Qualified personnel
Retelit Vulnerability Assessment does not limit itself to automated scanning, but employs a pool of computer security experts with advanced skills in computer vulnerability management.
Flexibility of the offer
You can repeat the activity several times a year for a fee, or even opt for a one-off assessment.
Simple Quotation
Quotation based on the number of IPs (both public and private) the client wishes to analyse.
Detailed reporting
At the end of the analysis, the service provides a snapshot of the exposure of your internal and external systems to all known vulnerabilities.

Penetration test

Through an in-depth analysis of the specific components of your systems, including operating systems, middleware, databases, applications and services, we identify elements that, if exploited by a malicious agent, could lead to a security breach.
The analysis is carried out by employing real multi-level intrusion simulations carried out by ethical hackers, hypothesising different scenarios and combining sophisticated attack techniques.

Features of the offer
Qualified personnel
Retelit's proposed penetration test has a pool of computer security experts with advanced skills in computer attack operations. They are familiar with the latest attack tactics, techniques and procedures.
Similarity to a real attack
In a black box penetration test, the attacker has no information about the system to be attacked and must discover it during the test.This approach is significant because it is similar to a real attack.
Simple and personalised quote
Extremely simple to quote as it is based on the specific activity the customer wishes to implement or the IP number range, in one-shot mode.

Identify the vulnerabilities of your systems and business processes and the potential impacts of cyber attacks, and identify mitigations and corrective actions.


Discover weak points in advance, to prevent them from being exploited by black hat hackers illicitly entering company systems and causing potentially destructive cyber incidents. 


Implement measures to maximise security, correct identified vulnerabilities and prioritise the potentially most critical ones.


Ensure business continuity and minimise the risk of data loss with an enhanced protection of company systems and applications.

Test the vulnerability of your IT systems. Find out how to protect them.
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