Voice for Carriers and Resellers

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Voice Resellers and Carriers

Retelit offers a wide range of voice services to satisfy the most diverse market needs and customers, from infrastructure-less operators using Switchless VoIP, to more structured operators equipped with their own telephone exchanges using Switched VoIP, and wanting to use Retelit’s infrastructure to terminate their telephone traffic in Italy and abroad without costly national and international network interconnection investments.

Switchless VoIP

A partnership to better serve customers

This is a turnkey connectivity-independent service platform for operators without telephone exchanges. It allows a reseller, using the Reseller Voice Portal, to build its own branded offer on the market, and therefore to allocate geographic numbers to its customers, manage number portability, itemise and bill national and international call traffic, and manage the publication of numbers in telephone directories.

The availability of an API (Application Program Interface) completes the service, allowing customers to automate operations and create their own portals, with all the required features.

The portal boasts a range of business-orientated features, including a Prepaid and Multilevel system for managing the resale of customer numbers and traffic by interfacing directly with customers or through a network of trusted resellers, to mitigate improper use of the service by end-customers.

With our service, resellers can also manage 800 Toll-Free Numbers, i.e. non-geographic numbers charged to the number called, with all the same features as the geographic number services. A powerful Control Panel allows a reseller to define all the advanced features of incoming toll-free calls.

Retelit’s Switchless service complies with all the regulations issued by the sector authority and Privacy Guarantor.

Switched VoIP

Quality and competitive voice services

This is a service for operators with their own telephone exchanges wanting to independently offer voice services to their end-customers, but needing public network interconnection services and support in the management of telephone numbers.

The portal allows them to buy single numbers and GNR lines in geographical areas where they do not have numbers, and to receive traffic collected by Retelit for those numbers.
The service also allows the termination of traffic generated by customers to national and international fixed and mobile destinations and to numbers assigned by other telephone operators.
The portal service can be prepaid in order to maintain full control of spending limits and all the traffic data.
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