26 February 2020 - 09:17

Retelit becomes a shareholder in “MIX”, The main italian Internet Exchange and among the european leaders in terms of traffic carried

Retelit S.p.A., the Italian digital transformation leader listed on the STAR segment of the Italian Stock Exchange, today became a shareholder in MIX SRL, taking a 1.120% stake.

Press Releases
The transaction, which confirms the link between the two companies and follows the appointment, in April 2017, of Federico Protto, CEO of Retelit, as a Board member of MIX, took place through an inter-company transfer after the acquisition of PA Group last January. 

MIX, located in Caldera Park, the technological campus at via Caldera in Milan and incorporated on January 27, 2000, is the main interchange point (IXP) for Italian Internet networks and among Europe’s leaders in terms of traffic. It offers interconnection services to Italian and overseas Internet operators, through high-performance switching platforms and its own data room infrastructure. 

Retelit, already one of the official Carriers with a permanent presence at the MIX Data Center, i.e. among the operators that provide Internet connectivity through proprietary infrastructure at the location, with this transaction will further strengthen its presence at the company, so as to make a greater contribution to the Italian ICT ecosystem and to increase value-added services for customers and partners. 

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