Launch of the study "22-EU-DIG-5G-SITACOR" for a cam-based 5G corridor between Italy and Slovenia
- Study launched for ultrawideband corridor covering the border between the two countries: 5G network in CAM mode, ensuring continuity even on the move.
- Goal: to enable territories and communities to benefit from smart solutions for cities, roads, schools, healthcare, businesses.
- The project, called 5G-SITACOR, is part of the EU's Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme, by which it is partly funded.
- The study is conducted by a pool of Italian and Slovenian entities: Friuli Venezia-Giulia Region, Port of Koper, Anas, DARS, Retelit, Telekom Slovenia, University of Trieste and University of Ljubljana.

The feasibility study for 5G-SITACOR - the CAM-based 5G corridor between Italy and Slovenia - has officially launched.
The project is part of the EU programme CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) and, more specifically, the CEF-DIG-2022-5GCORRIDORS programme, which funds growth, employment and competitiveness through investments in infrastructure located in key areas among EU countries. CEF is coordinated by HADEA, the European Health and Digital Executive Agency.
The study will last 6 months (until July 2024) and will include the analysis of existing arterial roads and telecommunications infrastructure, as well as assessments of the investments needed to achieve CAM 5G coverage in the corridor between Italy and Slovenia.
The ultimate goal of the study is to define the parameters necessary for the subsequent implementation of an infrastructure dedicated to the development of smart digital services for territories and communities, to be applied to businesses, schools, hospitals, cities, and highways.
The border area between Italy and Slovenia is one of the 5G corridors identified - by the EU - for enhanced coverage and connectivity, being the crossroads of several routes (national, regional and local), serving both rail and port infrastructure and being, at the same time, an area with many obstacles such as mountains and road tunnels.
The 5G-SITACOR project was entrusted by the EU to a pool of diverse and complementary entities: the Friuli Venezia-Giulia Region (project coordinator); the Port of Koper; ANAS and DARS (Italian and Slovenian highway operators); Retelit and Telekom Slovenia (telecommunications operators); the University of Trieste; and the University of Ljubljana.
As part of the project, Retelit will be responsible for an assessment and study of telecommunication infrastructures. Retelit, Italy's largest telecommunications player focused on the B2B market, was selected because of its broad and established presence in the Friuli Venezia-Giulia region. Operating for some time in the region, both through its proprietary fiber optic network and Data Centers, and through related digital services offered to businesses and public sector entities, Retelit has solid expertise in managing telecommunications projects of this kind, an additional added value - required and recognised - in the 5G-SITACOR project.
Jorge Álvarez, CEO of the Retelit Group, commented, "Being a partner in this strategic community initiative - the first step in the development of new services of public and social utility - represents for Retelit an important recognition of the work done on the telecommunications front in recent years, with special consideration for the territories. However, it is also a great challenge: we take it up with enthusiasm and commitment, because it means participating in a project to promote innovation in Europe and empower the region by concretely bringing in digital services, improving existing infrastructure and networks with the aim of ensuring benefits for communities and society as a whole."